
Local loves: Guy Morgan Apothecary

Local loves: Guy Morgan Apothecary

We’re always looking out for like-minded brands, and recent Netil Market trader Guy Morgan Apothecary is our latest local love. Specialising in organic natural skincare, the products are sustainably sourced and specially formulated to care for your skin, hair and body, handmade just round the corner from us in Clapton.

We took a moment with Guy to talk research, future plans and where he heads for a weekend coffee fix.

How did Guy Morgan Apothecary all start? Where did your passion for organic and natural products come from?

The Apothecary came from a personal need of effective skincare without the unnecessary chemicals found in so many commercial products. This need stemmed from having bad skin growing up. I was always trying out new treatments for skin, only to be left frustrated at the lack of results. Often they were detrimental, drying my skin out and not helping clear anything.

I began looking at more natural handmade alternatives and this led to my first creation, Toujours Pur Clay, acting a both exfoliant wash and mask. I shared my creations with friends and family, and was spurred on to sell publicly. The Apothecary has only been open for under a year but the feedback has been astounding and I’ve already had one of my products featured in Vogue.

How do you go about researching and sourcing ingredients for your products?

In all honesty the Internet has been the greatest method of researching! Although it’s easy to get lulled into blogs posting about miracle ingredients, I always research these claims myself, I want to know the science and the proof.

Again with the internet we’re able to access ingredients that would have been impossible to get hold of before. Any ingredient of the Apothecary that comes from a plant source has to be organic to comply with my ethos. I source verified organic ingredients from such bodies as the Soil Association. Likewise I work closely with the EWG (Environmental Working Group Skin Deep), which has access to nearly 60 databases and sources from government agencies, industry panels, and academic institutions concerning hazards and safety.

What brought you to Netil Market?

Instagram led me to discover Netil Market. What brought me to sell there was seeing the amazing creative stalls and the strong feeling of community. Everyone was very supportive and welcoming when I first sold there. I had already applied for a few markets around Hackney, but none seemed willing to take a chance on something less conventional. Sarah, who manages Netil, was friendly and vastly supportive when I got in touch with her about trading. I think Netil Market is an important place for all traders, but particularly to support young entrepreneurs and creatives.

Do you have any personal favourite East London local loves you’d like to share?

For coffee and food The Pacific Social Club in Clapton is my love. They have a super laid back and relaxed feel and you get an instant chilled out feel going there, plus the guys working there are the best.

For homewares I’d say ROOMS of Clapton (not just because I sell there!) The owner has such a great eye for interesting antique finds, and it’s also conveniently just a few doors down from Pacific.

St. Augustine’s Tower in Hackney and its surrounding grounds is my favourite place to walk around and admire. Being close to something so ancient and steeped in history is oddly comforting. I recently had the chance to go to the top of the tower. To experience the magnified howling winds through the towers shuttered cloisters was spiritual.

What’s next for you? Any exciting plans on the horizon?

The Apothecary has been receiving a lot of attention recently. I’ve had a couple of offers to sell in some great shops which I’m in talks with. I’d love to be able to expand further.

I have a few new products being realised soon, including Black Thorn Facial Oil, a super charged hydrating oil that helps improve your skins clarity and protect against environmental damage. I hope to expand my line of Profumi to organically scented candles soon.

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