Oh Winona, she stole Johnny’s heart for a while (unless those rumours of a reconciliation are true?!), but she won ours for life. It all started with Beetlejuice, and our love just grew and grew from there. With a knack for playing the sort of characters you want to hang out with – the type of girl who is a little bit off-kilter, a bit of a charming mess with a rebel streak. Winona owned the 90’s, and her awesomeness is now being re-discovered by a new generation of girls who were then too young (or not yet born) to have her poster on their bedroom walls. This often Tumblr’d icon represents something unique about that era, a time before a celebrity’s every move could be recorded and witnessed by the world. She was a serious talent with an unselfconscious cool and a wardrobe that epitomized the best of 90’s style.
She chose great films that became cult classics, and gave pitch-perfect performances in them. With big, expressive brown eyes, and that hair…Dark, shiny and always amazing - from a shaggy boy cut, to long and glossy or a sweet pixie crop.
Happily, Winona is back in the spotlight with a raft of new films in the works, so it feels like the perfect time to reminisce about her greatest hair hits.