Lauren Hutton is 73. Nope, we didn’t believe it when we read it either. The age-defying model has been an icon and stalwart of the fashion industry since the 60s, and is still very much part of the scene today. When scrolling through images of Lauren Hutton, what struck us was not just her golden locks, skin and bright blue eyes (although those features may have had something to do with her longevity in the industry), it was how fun she looks. With her gap-toothed grin and expressive face, she often looks playful and mischievous, like she’s always in on the joke.

Growing up in Florida, Lauren moved to New York in the 1960s and began modelling. She was introduced to Richard Avedon by the hugely influential fashion editor Diana Vreeland, and was also a favourite of photographer Irving Penn. Lauren became the face of Revlon in 1973, landing a 1 million dollar contract, the likes of which had never been seen before in the modelling world and which went on to change the industry forever.
One of the pioneering ‘Supermodels’, she was (and is) known for her adventurous spirit, and her timeless and original personal style also cemented her place as a fashion icon.

Hair-wise, we’re fans of Lauren’s sun-kissed locks which have remained the perfect warm (but never brassy) blonde throughout the decades. Whether blow-dried smoothly yet with movement or left in her natural tousled curls, Lauren never looks like she’s trying to be anyone except herself, which we find incredibly inspiring.
If you’re more mature and are finding it a challenge to colour your hair in a natural and beautiful way, we think looking to a colour like Lauren’s for inspiration is a good place to start. According to Glasshouse senior stylist Matt, it’s all about utilising and working with your natural colour (including those greys if you have them!). He says, “Lauren Hutton looks like she’s always worked with her natural tone, which is what suits her so well. If you’re older or have some greys, putting a blanket dark colour on can be very harsh. Adding tonal variation and lighter pieces works really well, highlighting your features and natural hair texture, as well as the cut itself.”
The types of tones Matt says usually work really well are creamy blonde tones, not too ashy or warm. “Lauren’s hair, especially when she wears it wavy and naturally tousled, looks almost untouched and completely unmanufactured”, says Matt, and we think this is a quality she possesses as a person as well.
Her graceful approach to ageing is obviously in-keeping with our ethos here at Glasshouse - in an industry where youth is so often fetishised and associated with beauty, it’s refreshing to see someone like Lauren whose spirit and personality are such a huge part of her charm not fall prey to the increasingly normalised culture of having work done.

An activist as well as model, Lauren speaks out on behalf of women’s health and beauty issues around the world, including the Luz Foundation which educates and empowers young girls. When asked by Interview magazine if she wanted to continue modelling, Hutton answered “Yeah. If only to give courage to everybody, to myself, and not only to women my own age and older but to give girls something to grow into.” Bravo, Ms. Hutton!
Lauren Hutton through the decades (and still today) has always had striking beauty on her side, which we’re sure makes ageing easier. However, those of us that aren’t supermodels can still emulate the attitude she emits, which to us is one that encourages us to be comfortable and courageous in our own skin, to have fun and never forget to smile.
Words: Rosie Herdman