
Girls on film: Sissy Spacek in Badlands

Girls on film: Sissy Spacek in Badlands

Loosely based on the true story of criminal couple Starkweather and Fugate, famed for their 1958 killing spree, Terrence Malick’s Badlands is one of our all time fave outlaw movies.

Sissy Spacek plays a teenage loner named Holly living in South Dakota in the late fifties. Bored of her small town life, she quickly falls for a troubled older man who charms her with his James Dean looks and careless attitude. When Holly’s father finds out about the relationship, Kit shoots him dead and the couple take to the road, with Kit killing anyone in their path.

Though this is all pretty grisly stuff, we can’t help but be charmed ourselves by Spacek’s strawberry blonde hair, freckled face and classic American wardrobe.

Whilst we wouldn’t recommend Holly’s lifestyle choices, her hair colour is something we are definitely on board with. Come in to speak with your Glasshouse stylist on the best way to recreate it for yourself, whether its a permanent commitment or a warm apricot rinse over your blonde with our No Limits semi-permanent dyes.