This event is guest hosted by Nishma Patel
Join an immersive sound bath led by intuitive energy & sound healer Nishma Patel. This guided meditation and sound journey will help you feel grounded, connected and recalibrated. The focus will be on celebrating earth month through grounding & connecting with Mother Earth and her vibration.
This session will combine the power of energy healing along with crystal alchemy singing bowls and koshi chimes.
Nishma is offering two sessions throughout the day - click here to book your place. Please note discount codes are not applicable to workshops and events. Any tickets purchased with discount code will be void and refunded.
Our guest host Nishma Patel is an intuitive energy and sound healer and mentor who uses source to channel and guide her sessions. She uses a combination of sacred instruments and voice to clear energetic blocks and help people to connect and align themselves to their higher frequencies and timelines.
Date: Sunday 14th April
Duration: 60 min
Times: 11.30 - 12.30pm, 1.45 - 2.45pm
Investment: £35
What is sound healing?
Sound healing encapsulates the power of sound vibration. The frequency of sound nourishes the mind and body allowing us to heal from within. Sound baths are a way of tuning deeper into the subconscious mind. It allows us to unlock any habits or negative thoughts patterns that need to be released and cleansed.
The benefits:
Reduced stress
Provide anxiety relief
Promote a good nights sleep
Release emotional blockages
Increase your mood
Improve your focus
Provide mental clarity
Increases energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation
Your host: Nishma Patel is a chartered psychologist by background and is bridging the gap between science and spirituality, turning to her inner wisdom to guide, initiate and activate others in their souls remembrance.
Click here to book your place.