
Layered Online

Layered Online

​Layered Online: Review - Organic Colour Systems at Glasshouse Salon in Hackney (August 2015); Salons We’ve Been To - Glasshouse, Hackney (Feb 2015)

Layered reviewed both Glasshouse Salon and the Organic Colour Systems range used to tackle grey hair

“Whether you’re a colour addict or colour newbie, for me, it makes sense to switch to a colouring system like Organic Colour Systems that uses lower levels of chemicals and greater levels of nourishing ingredients to feed the hair lots of goodness. And there’s no better place to have it done than Glasshouse where everything is conscientiously considered with the environment in mind without losing a touch of aspirational style or character”.

“I felt totally relaxed and safe in Olivia’s hands – I’ll be back, that’s for sure”.

Read the salon review here and Layered’s take on Organic Colour Systems in their online feature.